
10 Tips to Brighten Up Your Home When You’re Feeling Low

, - Ryan - February 12, 2021

Whether under lockdown or not, it is always important that our living environment contributes to our well-being. Even the smallest additions or changes to a home can have a significant impact on the occupants’ state of mind.

Have you been feeling down lately? Try these 10 tips to brighten up your home: they may well boost the morale of all family members.

Bring In Light And Greenery For More Energy.

Bring in light and greenery for more energy.

1— Add (Living!) Plants

Indispensable allies, house plants not only purify indoor air by converting a part of the CO2 into oxygen but also add life to the rooms of our homes. Of course, the effect will be null and void if you opt for fake plants instead.  

2— Increase Natural Light

There is evidence to suggest that light levels affect our mood. While the blue light of screens excites our neurons, it’s the sun’s rays that invigorate us. Of course, a dose of sunshine is no panacea — it’s no cure for a broken heart — but it will most definitely give you the lift you need.

3— Get a Breath of Fresh Air!

Poor air quality might also affect our mood and even cause headaches. To breathe truly healthy air, you must live in the country and be surrounded by trees. But you can still improve the ambient air in your city home by opening the windows a few minutes every day.

Decor Accessories That Are Soft To The Touch Are Very Soothing, As Can Be A Furry Companion!

Decor accessories that are soft to the touch are very soothing, as can be a furry companion!

4— Add Soft Textures

If happiness can be found in a heartwarming cup of coffee, surely it can also be experienced in a warm and cozy setting. Your mission then is to soften your living environment! Surrounding yourself with smooth gentle textures, like a thick rug, a good quality faux-fur throw, silky sheets, a plush bean bag chair that you can really sink into, etc., will have you feeling better in no time. 

5— Treat Yourself to a Clean and Organized Home

We sometimes forget the importance of cleanliness: a spotless house can really contribute to a positive attitude! There’s nothing more disheartening than a pile of dirty dishes, dust bunnies accumulating in the corners, or a messy bathroom. For some, even invisible clutter (a disorganized drawer, dresser, attic, etc.) can cause them to feel glum.

6— Indulge in a Comforting Scent

You’ve probably already noticed how you react to different smells. Eucalyptus may remind you of a pleasant spa afternoon, cinnamon may be linked to happy Christmas memories, or lemongrass may take you back to your childhood. Use an essential oil diffuser or scented candles to perfume the air with fragrances that make you feel good.

Liven Up The Most Depressing Rooms In Your Home With Bright Colours.

Liven up the most depressing rooms in your home with bright colours.

7— Splash on Some Colour

Vibrant yellow, barn red, emerald green and sky blue are all colours that can improve your mood. Get through those grey days by adding these energizing hues to every room of your home with framed paintings or art prints and colourful accessories.

8— Create Your Own Hideaway

If you share your home with lots of people, you may need a little peace and quiet to regain your smile. Consider creating a private area for yourself. It can be a reading nook in the living room, an entire unused room, or even the garage. Make it pretty and comfortable so it can be a heaven of solitude, especially when you feel like you’re about to explode!

9— Rethink Your Lighting

Each room in the home should have lighting options that are adapted to its purpose. For example, in the dinning room subdued lighting is ideal for eating, but strong focused light is better for teleworking. In the living room or in the bedroom, softer lighting is needed to create a calm ambiance so install a dimmer switch or position table lamps and floor lamps where needed. These are the kinds of details that can significantly enhance how good you feel in a particular room.

Place Some Photos Of Friends And Family Here And There To Remind You Of The Good Times.

Place some photos of friends and family here and there to remind you of the good times.

10— Decorate with Personal Photos

How about designing a gallery wall with photos of your family and friends to decorate a room? Or placing pictures taken on trips or during important occasions here and there in the living room? These personal items may well gladden your heart and make you smile.

You shouldn’t expect miraculous results, but these ideas may very well revive your spirits. Try a few of them out!

Article originally published on Mon Coin de Vie

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